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Topas Therapeutics GmbH

Falkenried 88, Haus A
20251 Hamburg GERMANY

+49 40 302089010

Marc Lohrmann

Marc is Managing Partner, Vesalius Biocapital III. He has over 20 years of experience and joined Vesalius Biocapital in 2012 as a venture partner. Since then, Marc has advised on corporate development and exit of portfolio companies of Fund 1 and Fund 2. He was promoted to Managing Partner for Fund 3 in 2017. Marc started eight life sciences companies, i.a. co-founded Reverse Medical (acquired by Covidien in 2014), was an investment manager at Bayer Innovation and worked with several corporate finance boutiques focused on life sciences M&A transactions. Marc holds a diploma degree in business administration from the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Germany).

Vesalius Biocapital III